4.5" Vault door premium

Front Bolts: 7-moving through Bolts (Diameter 38mm)
Top / Bottom Bolts: 2-top & 2-bottom moving Bolts (Diameter 38mm)
Rear Bolts: 7-moving through Bolts (Diameter 38mm)
Locking: KCL : 4-Wheel S&G Keyless Combination Lock
Locking: KL : Mauer 70079 Key Lock-235mm Key (Detachable)
Clear Opening: 1920mm(H) x 804mm(W)
Over Frame: 2110mm(H) x 1343mm(W)
Door Thickness: 251mm
Protective Thickness: 114mm
Barrier Material: F80 - Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete
Relockers: 7-Glass Relocker, protected by TDR Blocks operated from a single large glass covering the whole locking area
Hinge: Heavy Duty Bearing Hinges - Left / Right hung
Base Frame: 25mm Solid Base Plate
Back Pane:l With Hinges & secured by 2 x L&F Cam Lock
Ventilator System: Included as standard c/w wiring
Micro Switch 2 x Micro Switch c/w wiring
Handle Wheel Handle
Finish Painted Finish (Grey primer)
Stainless Steel Cladding: Optional
Grille Gate: Optional (Painted or Stainless Steel Finish)
Grille Gate: Locking 2 x Union 2101 (5 lever Dead Bolt Lock )
Net Weight: 1121Kg Door and 40Kg Gate
Standard Wall Thickness: 300mm
Shipping 12 units of Doors + Gate in one 20 foot Container
Technical Drawing